Results for: United States


El listado de los 30 mejores logros de la Campaña de BDS en 2017 refleja un sólido trabajo colectivo por parte de sus seguidores en todo el mundo. La Campaña de BDS por los derechos palestinos se ha expandido entre sindicatos, movimientos sociales, entre las principales iglesias y universidades, entre figuras destacadas del deporte y de la cultura, en los parlamentos y en Naciones Unidas. Ha conseguido que importantes multinacionales pongan fin a su complicidad con las atroces violaciones israelíes contra los derechos humanos palestinos, y adquiere más fuerza. 


The Trump administration's anti-Palestinian and illegal act reverses decades of official U.S. policy regarding Jerusalem and contradicts the international consensus. Trump’s policies on Palestine underscore that it is long past time for the world to apply concrete pressure on Israel to respect Palestinian rights through support for our struggle for rights and dignity.

BNC Statement

Today marks the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, a document which from the perspective of its Palestinian victims, constituted a declaration of war against the Palestinian people. Together we can end its brutal legacy and create a brighter future with justice, peace and a dignified life for all.


Palestinian & International Chefs Say: Don’t Cater to Israeli Apartheid, Withdraw From "Round Tables" Culinary Festival in Tel Aviv.

Open Letter

Chefs & Restaurateurs Say: Don’t Cater to Israeli Apartheid & Propaganda, Withdraw From "Round Tables" Culinary Festival in Tel Aviv.


Tune in on October 4 for a live conversation with students at the forefront of campus organizing for Palestinian rights.

In the News

South African scholar Derek Attridge on the role the academic boycott played in compelling white South Africa to recognize what a pariah the country had become in every walk of life.


Calls are mounting ahead of the 67th FIFA Congress for the world football governing body to expel Israeli football clubs based in illegal Israeli settlements.

In the News

The Pro Bowler spoke on Colin Kaepernick and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in Washington, D.C.