Results for: sanctions

In the News

3 November 2009 [Yeshiva World News] - In a ruling released last week, an advisor to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg by Advocate-General Yves Bot ruled that products manufactured in “settlements” and PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas are not entitled to customs benefits.


November 3, 2009
In the News

[Globes] - Israel is the world's third largest defense exporter, after the US and Russia. Israeli defense companies signed $6.3 billion worth of new export contracts for weapons, munitions, technologies, and equipment during 2008, and $20.3 billion in 2005-08, according to the Ministry of Defense, disclosed by "Defense News" in this week's edition.

October 7, 2009
In the News
Bilbao, September 18, 2009 - The Municipal Council for Cooperation of Bilbao has joined the Campaign BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) on the State of Israel, which undertakes not to cooperate with the policy of apartheid in Palestine and the illegal occupation in their territories.
This decision was taken at the regular plenary session held on 29 June 2009. 
September 30, 2009
In the News

[YNET] - Israeli company to supply Irish army with surveillance pods, masts for new fleet of armored vehicles; newspaper says purchase may be controversial in light of recent UN report on Gaza war

Haifa-based Elbit Systems Ltd. has won a multi-million euro contract to supply the Irish Defense Forces with equipment to be mounted on a new fleet of RG-32M armored vehicles that are being built in South Africa, the Irish Independent reported Sunday.

September 21, 2009
BNC Statement

Illegal Israeli settlements should not be promoted as a form of sustainable architecture.

The BNC sent the letter below to Beatriz Corredor Sierra (Minister of Housing, Government of Spain) and Javier UcedaAntolín (Rector, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)



September 14, 2009
In the News

Illegal Israeli settlements should not be promoted as a form of sustainable architecture.

The BNC sent the letter below to Beatriz Corredor Sierra (Minister of Housing, Government of Spain) and Javier UcedaAntolín (Rector, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)



September 14, 2009
In the News

This decision is an enormous blow for Israel’s economy and foreign relations

The Brazilian Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Relations and National Defense has recommended that the parliament should not ratify the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Mercosur and the State of Israel until “Israel accepts the creation of the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders”. This decision is an explicit act of pressure on Israel to comply with international law, and a rejection of years of incessant Israeli lobbying, pressuring for a vote to ratify the agreement.

September 13, 2009
In the News

European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza - Clare Short MP and the European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza have launched a legal action to require the European Union to uphold the human rights conditions entrenched in the EU-Israel Association Agreement.

September 8, 2009
In the News
Ilan Pappe, [The Electronic Intifada] 3 September 2009 -Today was a unique day in the history of media coverage and discussion in Israel.
September 7, 2009