Results for: sanctions

In the News

Press Statement of the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU)
04 June 2010.

At its Central Executive Committee (CEC) meeting Friday 4th June, SAMWU unanimously endorsed a motion to immediately work towards every municipality in South Africa to become an Apartheid Israel free zone.


June 5, 2010
In the News

[YNet] 4 June 2010 - Norway's military says it has canceled a special operations seminar because the Defense Ministry objected to the inclusion of an Israeli army officer in the program.


Military spokeswoman Maj. Heidi Langvik-Hansen says the Defense Ministry was unhappy that the Israeli officer, identified only as Col. Toledano, would be delivering a talk in Oslo only weeks after Israel's deadly commando raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla. (AP)

June 4, 2010
In the News

AFP [YNet] Survey conducted two days after deadly Navy raid shows 9.5% of respondents already boycotting Israeli products, while 33.5% would like to. Head of country's Socialist Left party calls on international community to boycott arms trade with Jewish state


More than 40% of Norwegians are already boycotting Israeli products or are in favor of doing so, according to a poll published Wednesday, two days after Israel's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

June 3, 2010
In the News

The international Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement today scored a major victory as Dublin City Council passed a resolution calling on the City Manager not to sign or renew any contracts with French multinational Veolia[1] – the operators of the LUAS who have also tendered for the Metro North project[2].


May 22, 2010
BNC Statement

You can download the memo here

Israel’s accession to OECD: encouraging impunity, rewarding war crimes

  1. OECD’s fundamental values include respect for human rights, commitment to democracy and adherence to the purposes of the United Nation[1].
  2. In the “Road Map for the accession of Israel to the OECD Convention” the Council noted that in order for Israel to accede to the OECD it must demonstrate its commitment to “fundamental values” shared by
May 5, 2010

Transnational Institute March 2010 - The inclusion of Israel in the European Security Research Programme undermines the EU's commitment to even-handedness in the Middle East.


April 2, 2010
In the News

Transnational Institute March 2010 - The inclusion of Israel in the European Security Research Programme undermines the EU's commitment to even-handedness in the Middle East.


April 2, 2010
In the News

Phon van den Biesen and Adri Nieuwhof, [Electronic Intifada], 10 March 2010 - On 25 February, the European Court of Justice ruled that imports manufactured in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank shouldn't benefit from a trade agreement between Israel and the European Union.


March 10, 2010
In the News

25 February 2010 [Associated Press] - EU high court says Israeli goods made in West Bank fall outside of EU-Israel trade accord.


In a ruling touching on the status of the West Bank, the European Union high court said Thursday the disputed area is not part of Israel and Israeli goods made there are subject to EU import duties.

The ruling has no immediate bearing on the Mideast peace process.


February 26, 2010
In the News

Herb Keinon [Jerusalem Post] 15 December 2009 -- A Dutch decision to investigate whether - contrary to EU regulations - Ahava is benefiting from lower tariffs given to Israeli-made products when its cosmetics are made in a settlement, has nothing to do with a recent British decision to advise retailers to mark products from Jewish areas beyond the Green Line.


December 15, 2009