Results for: Boycott

In the News

GREEN PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES: Demanding an end to illegal occupation of Palestinian lands, Greens urge widespread grassroots support for the Palestine BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Campaign

Greens blast Clinton, Obama, and McCain for uncritical support of Israel despite mounting crimes

March 3, 2008
In the News

Palestine Solidarity Campaign: The London School of Economics Students' Union (LSESU) yesterday voted overwhelmingly to call on its university and the National Union of Students (NUS) to divest from companies that provide military and commercial support for the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, condemning the decades of human rights abuses and systematic oppression that has occurred as a result.

February 15, 2008
In the News

Dina Awad (Toronto - NOW Magazine) - Two hundred activists braved winter’s blasts December 2 and took to the sidewalk in front of the Sheraton Hotel on Queen to protest the Jewish National Fund’s annual gala. The dinner honouring local phil-antropist Miles S.

January 15, 2008
In the News

Jesse Rosenfeld, (Ramallah, Palestine - NOW Magazine) – It’s easy to forget, while soaking up the tranquillity along with happy picnickers under the pine trees, that Canada Park is steeped in a disturbing controversy. The fact is, the Park in the Latrun Valley sits on the occupied West Bank on the site of two Palestinian villages, Imwas and Yalu, destroyed by Israel in the 1967 war.

January 15, 2008
In the News

Josh Ruebner, ZNet: Today, two movements for the promotion of human rights in Sudan and Palestine seek to emulate the successful role played by boycotts, divestment, and sanctions in achieving democracy and equality in South Africa. The two movements, however, have received radically different receptions on Capitol Hill.

January 9, 2008
In the News

Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (South Africa): I am delighted to address you on behalf of the End the Occupation Campaign Steering Committee, on the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

The topic for this address is:
“Global civil society working to realise the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people”

December 1, 2007
In the News

A group of activists who interrupted an Israel-Switzerland World Cup qualifier with a protest against Israeli apartheid today used their court appearance in Basle to publicly denounce the occupation again.

November 4, 2007
In the News

On Tuesday evening over 20 LSE students silently occupied a meeting of LSE's governing body for over 30 minutes in protest at LSE Director Howard Davies' implicit support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine. For more click here.

November 4, 2007
In the News

n August 2006 activists called on the public to divest from Dexia Bank because of its links to Israeli finance. The bank has retail outlets in Luxembourg and Belgium.
In February 2001, Dexia Bank took over an Israeli bank, Otzar HaShilton HaMekomi Ltd (OSM), becoming the first European Bank to engage in such a takeover. Dexia controls now 65,31% of the shares, 65,99% of the voting rights and 66,67% of the right to nominate the directers.

November 2, 2007
In the News has published the first edition of its BDS newsletter, giving an update on global BDS activism around the world.The report highlights key developments, focussing on eight areas: the consumer boycott, the cultural boycott, the municipality and unions boycott, the sports boycott and the campaign to cut Military links and push for divestment and sanctions.
The newsletter supplements Towards a Global Movement: A framework for today’s anti-apartheid activism, the handbook to the boycott movement.
Download the newsletter

November 2, 2007