Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC): Posted by Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


The Intercept has recently revealed that David Fingold, a pro-Israel investment fund manager, has dubiously invested $500M for


Infamous Israeli war criminal Moshe Dayan once said, “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.” Drunk with impunity and unparalleled influence in Washington a


12 new reasons (+1 ongoing) to divest from Israel

BNC Statement

This International Women's Day the Palestinian BDS National Committee highlights just some of the amazing Palestinian women who personify Sumud.

In the News

In a statement, dozens of African organizations from the Pan-African Palestine Solidarity Network (PAPSN) call on the African Union to revoke Israel’s accreditation or any status allowing for its presence in the union, towards ending all forms of complicity with Israeli apartheid.

Open Letter

The Mayor of Gaza has written a letter to the Mayor of Barcelona saluting her decision to suspend ties with apartheid Israel.