Results for: Olympics

Action Alert

As genocidal Israel threatens to use “extreme force” against displaced Palestinians in Rafah in the occupied Gaza Strip and the Olympic torch arrives in France, be a torchbearer for Palestinian rights.

Action Alert

More than 300 Palestinian sports teams are calling to ban Israel from the Olympics over its genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.


As the International Olympic Committee (IOC) meets today, more than 300 Palestinian sports clubs and dozens of major Palestinian civil society organizations are 


Palestinians express gratitude to Algerian Fethi Nourine and Sudanese Mohamed Abdalrasool, and all athletes taking principled stands against Israeli apartheid and all forms of racism at the Olympics and across all sports.

In the News

More than 30 Brazilian social movements and progressive organisations had called on the Brazilian government to exclude Internatio...

In the News

The tribunal of the 17th magistrate’s court of the Paris law courts, which specialises in matters regarding press rights, the defamation of public figures and the freedom of expression, has given a most important and clear ruling on the right of citizens and consumers to call

September 17, 2011
In the News

The current issue of muckraking journal Private Eye reports that Heathrow Airport will have shiny new equipment for screening passengers installed with the help of several Israeli firms as part of preparations for next year’s Olympic Games. The sporting event affords an opportunity to run a “live test” on the Total Airport Security System (TASS), a 14.5 million euro ($21 million) project mainly financed by the European Union.

As it happens, details of the project were announced almost exactly a year ago.