Results for: Allied Universal


In a major win for human rights activism against corporate complicity, the world's largest private security company Allied Universal, which owns G4S, has decided to sell all its remaining business in apartheid Israel. This follows years of an effective #StopG4S campaign waged by the BDS movement for Palestinian rights.

In the News

Watching apartheid Israel’s bloody crushing of popular Palestinian protests in Sheikh Jarrah and occupied Jerusalem calls us to action. We have proven before our collective power in the form of #BDS. Here are 9 actions you can take to fight Israeli impunity and #SaveSheikhJarrah.

Open Letter

Allied Universal adquirió recientemente G4S, ahora la empresa tiene la obligación de acuerdo con los Principios Rectores de las Naciones Unidas sobre Empresas y Derechos Humanos de cesar su participación en estos crímenes, que contribuyen al régimen de apartheid de Israel. Instamos a Allied Universal a estar del lado correcto de la historia.

Open Letter

Allied Universal recently acquired G4S, Allied Universal now has an obligation in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to cease its involvement in these crimes, which contribute to Israel’s regime of apartheid. We urge Allied Universal to stand on the right side of history.

In the News

Este Día del Prisionero y de la Prisionera Palestina hacemos un llamado a intensificar las campañas globales de Boicot, Desinversión y Sanciones (BDS) dirigidas a corporaciones, como G4S / Allied Universal, por su complicidad en los crímenes de guerra de Israel y el brutal sistema policial y penitenciario.