Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: Boycott

en las noticias

On October 18th, One Million Voices, an organization led by Israelis and international figures with the support of some Palestinians, is organizing a public event in Jericho and Tel Aviv, simultaneously. As stated on the organization's English webpage, the objective of the event is to “mark the first time that massive numbers of Israelis and Palestinians gather simultaneously to unite against violent extremism.”


November 2, 2007
en las noticias

The Palestine-Israel Action Group (PIAG) of the Ann Arbor Friends Meeting has published report on the methods used for putting economic pressure on Israel in support of Palestinian rights.The survey looks at methods employed by a range groups from Churches and Universities to governments and Non Governmental Organisations.This is an ongoing project, and the group welcomes others to email additional information.Click here to download a full copy of the report

November 2, 2007
en las noticias

The largest civil society organization in Ireland, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, is the latest union to pass a boycott, divestment and sanction motion against Apartheid Israel.
The 770, 000 member-strong organization, which represents trade unions and trade councils across Ireland, condemned the Israeli government in two motions for its oppression of the Palestinian people.

November 2, 2007
en las noticias

The Palestinian youth football team was banned from playing in the UK last week, causing a storm of protest froms solidarity groups and commentators all over the world.The Boycott Israeli Goods campaign has sent an open letter to FIFA and the issue has been taken up by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

November 2, 2007
en las noticias

The publication of Towards a Global Movement: A framework for today’s anti-apartheid activism has provoked a storm of media attention. The full report is available on the BDSMovement website. A summary of the report, by Stop the Wall (The Palestinian Grassroots Anti Apartheid Wall Campaign)
was published in the UK by War on Want.

October 2, 2007
en las noticias

The Right to Education (R2E) Student Committee in Birzeit University welcomes the motion passed by UNISON, the biggest trade union of public workers in the UK, and calls for student-wide mobilisation on boycotting Israel as a means to defend the right to education of Palestinians and end the occupation.

To read the full text and for links to relevant UNISON webpages, click here.

July 21, 2007
en las noticias

The opening of "Israel Week" at the Galeria Kaufhof department store in Berlin spurred a demonstration Saturday against Israeli food products originating in the territories. Protesters held signs reading "No to settlement products" and "Stop the Israel-EU Association Agreement." Groups protesting included The Jewish Voice, a Jewish-German organization opposed to the occupation, and Solidarity with Palestine, German teenagers affiliated with the radical left.


Germans protest sale of food from West Bank settlements


July 8, 2007
en las noticias

Ratcheting up the simmering debate over how Protestant denominations should express their concern about Israel, the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church is advising congregations and individuals to divest their holdings from a wide variety of American corporations that the United Methodists believe support the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

July 2, 2007
en las noticias

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), which has almost five million members in the US, took a step toward a partial boycott of Israeli goods at its 2007 Churchwide Assembly in Chicago last week, Saturday 19 August. The assembly, the church's top legislative authority, passed a resolution calling to work toward a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and urging investment in the Palestinian Authority.

January 19, 2007