Updates from the palestinian BDS (United States)


Cutting US military aid to Israel is vital to the progressive agenda of #HealthcareNotWarfare and social, racial, climate and gender justice.


Noura Erakat and Yara Hawari discussed racism and colonialism and tools from international law, for Israeli Apartheid Week

April 7, 2020

Khury Petersen-Smith and Rebecca Vilkomerson discussed racism and security, and how the coronavirus pandemic gives us an opportunity to redefine security.

Action Alert

Palestinians in Gaza are besieged by Israel, and now threatened by coronavirus. Stop Elbit Systems' drones and apartheid tech.

In the News

March 28, 2020
Contact: Sonya E Meyerson-Knox | sonya@jvp.org | 929-290-0317


Women leading justice movements worldwide increasingly see the Palestinian call for a military embargo on Israel as not just a demand by Palestinians, but also as linked to their own liberation and justice struggles.

In the News

Palestinian rights advocates won a near decade-long legal battle over the Olympia Food Co-op’s decision to boycott Israeli goods, defeating a lawfare campaign by opponents of Palestinian rights.