Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC): Posted by Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel


PUMA is using its "Conference of the People" to promote itself as ethical and sustainable – while continuing its complicity in Israel's apartheid regime committing grave human rights violations against Palestinians.


Together, we have caused PUMA to lose millions in important sports contracts, exposed PUMA’s lies and spread our call for justice with millions worldwide. We won’t stop until PUMA finally ends its complicity in Israeli apartheid.


The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), with more than 800 research centers in 55 countries, endorses the Palestinian call to boycott Israeli institutions complicit in Israel’s regime of military occupation, settler-colonialism, and apartheid.


The Jerusalem Quartet readily uses its music to art-wash crimes committed by the far-right Israeli regime against Palestinians (Photo: Mohamed Al-Zanon / Maan Images)

Open Letter

Since 2004, Palestinian civil society has called for the cultural boycott of Israel, inspired in part by the international solidarity that helped to end apartheid in South Africa.


After a four-year, cross-continental BDS campaign, Israel’s culinary propaganda festival Round Tables did not take place in 2019.


Burning Man’s values of ‘radical inclusion’ cannot be met by a festival that effectively promotes Trump’s apartheid plan to annex Palestinian land. [Photo: Trey Ratcliff]