Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC): Posted by Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


PSC won a major legal victory, defeating the UK government's anti-democratic efforts to repress BDS for Palestinian rights


Palestinians, targeted by Israel's #CoronaRacism, are highly vulnerable to coronavirus due to decades of Israeli oppression.


The BDS movement welcomed the decisions not to renew contracts in Jordan with G4S, the world’s largest security company.


Khury Petersen-Smith and Rebecca Vilkomerson discussed racism and security, and how the coronavirus pandemic gives us an opportunity to redefine security.

Action Alert

Palestinians in Gaza are besieged by Israel, and now threatened by coronavirus. Stop Elbit Systems' drones and apartheid tech.

BNC Statement

Statement issued by the Palestinian BDS National Committee and Jewish Voice for Peace

BNC Statement

Statement issued by the Palestinian BDS National Committee on the occasion of Land Day.