Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC): Posted by BDS France

In the News

Les universités israéliennes qui ont depuis des décennies joué un rôle clé dans la planification, l’implémentation, la justification et le blanchiment des politiques racistes et colonialistes du régime israélien d’occupation, de colonialisme de peuplement et d’apartheid, ont une fois de plus montré leur complicité dans l’agression génocide d’Israël contre 1, 8 million de Palestiniens dans la bande de Gaza occupée et assiégée.

August 5, 2014
In the News

BDS France is pleased to learn that Eau de Paris, the municipal agency
operating the Paris water service, will not be renewing its contract with the
Wassermaxx company, which has been bought up by Sodastream. According to
Eau de Paris, the non-renewal of the contract is due to "technical" reasons.

Sodastream is a company implanted in the Israeli colonies, in violation of
international law.

May 12, 2014
In the News

BDS France have issued a report following the recent trial of three BDS activists relating to demonstrations calling for a boycott of Israeli produce. French activists have been facing a state-sanctioned campaign of repression.

Full report:

We were over 300 people yesterday in front of the court in Perpignan in solidarity with Yasmina, Jeanne and Bernard, 3 activists of the group 66 "Peace and Justice in Palestine".

January 25, 2011