Results for: Military Embargo


BDS co-founder, Omar Barghouti, explains why the Palestinian South Africa moment is nearing and how your support can get us there.

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The UN played a crucial role in defeating South African apartheid – it is time to investigate Israel’s unequal regime, by Hanan Ashrawi and Lakhdar Brahimi.


We need your support to ensure that the UNGA responds to the Palestinian demand for freedom, justice and equality! 


In a year marred by Israeli apartheid brutality and massacres, Palestinian hope and unity shine through.

BNC Statement

The growing international scandal around the Israeli NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware, used by dictatorships and authoritarian regimes in perpetrating numerous crimes and human r

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Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) congratulates the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) for resolving to campaign for Palestinian human rights and endorsing the use of sanctions and divestment against Israel.

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Major BDS victory! #BlockTheBoat organizers in Oakland, California prevent Israeli-operated ZIM cargo ship from docking. They now call for a week of action against the apartheid-profiteering ZIM shipping line.

BNC Statement

It is #InOurHands to dismantle apartheid and all forms of racism and oppression. Channel your anger and mobilize. Today more than ever, real solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality is a 3-letter word: BDS!

BNC Statement

In many countries, governments and corporations are deeply complicit with Israel’s decades-old regime of military occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid, just as they were complicit in the a