Results for: sanctions

In the News

Press release: Following the events of yesterday, and the continuing refusal of the Israeli government to comply with international law, the Irish Ship to Gaza campaign is now calling on the Irish government to take the following concrete actions against the state of Israel:

(1) Suspend Israel from the Euromed Agreement, which gives Israel special trading status;

(2) End all arms trade with Israel;

(3) Take steps to ensure that no Irish state-funded institution engages in any cultural, academic, or economic cooperation with the state

November 5, 2011

The Boycott, Divests and Sanctions (BDS) movement is growing relentless. On the boycott front, a Finnish campaign is under way to cancel a new deal to purchase Israeli drones. Like Canada, the US, Turkey and Russia, Finland has been attracted by Israeli know-how in lethal weapons. The Finnish Defence Ministry recently signed an agreement on drone purchases, in defiance of EU regulations.

November 3, 2011

Since the beginning of this Intifada in 2000, Israel has transformed the already harsh conditions under occupation into a nightmare of destruction and imprisonment. Economic life has severely suffered and unemployment has skyrocketed.

October 30, 2011
In the News

Corporate Watch has just released a book,  Targeting Israeli Apartheid: A Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Handbook, encouraging campaigners to take direct action against the British companies complicit in Israeli apartheid, militarism and colonisation.

The book, based on extensive research in Palestine and the UK, and interviews with Palestinian and Israeli campaigners, takes its cue from the unified Palestinian call for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS):

“We representatives of Palestinian civil society, call upon international civil society organizations and people of conscience all o

October 27, 2011
In the News

On Sunday 9 October the Board of Directors of the Dexia Group voted to sell Dexia Bank Belgium to the Belgian government, and Dexia Municipal Agency to the French government. Terzake asked the question: "What about Dexia Israel?"

Watch the Terzake report on Dexia Israel here (in Dutch - TV).

The "Israel colonizes - Dexia finances" platform also asked itself the same question.

October 26, 2011
In the News
Capture: France's President Nicolas Sarkozy (C), shakes hands with employees of Alstom during the inauguration of the European LGV Est in Belfort, eastern France.
In the News

A new Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) campaign was launched this summer by the United Church of Canada, which will try to persuade six companies operating in Canada — Caterpillar, Motorola, Ahava, Veolia, Elbit Systems and Chapters/Indigo — to stop supporting the Israeli occupation. “The Campaign follows similar campaigns launched some time ago by the US Presbyterian Church and the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church. We have launched ‘Occupied with Peace’ after almost two years of discernment and information gathering,” says spokesperson Jean Lee.

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Taking its cue from the unified Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, Targeting Israeli Apartheid examines the Israeli economy and details the Israeli and international companies complicit in Israeli state repression.

September 26, 2011
In the News

The tribunal of the 17th magistrate’s court of the Paris law courts, which specialises in matters regarding press rights, the defamation of public figures and the freedom of expression, has given a most important and clear ruling on the right of citizens and consumers to call

September 17, 2011
BNC Statement

Occupied Palestine, September 7 2011

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the broad Palestinian civil society coalition that acts as the Palestinian reference point of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, welcomes the recent decision by the Turkish government to impose limited sanctions on Israel and hopes that it is implemented from today as announced.

On September 2, the Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu