Results for: Germany


The Court instructed the City of Oldenburg to provide the requested rooms, and BDS Oldenburg was able to hold Israeli Apartheid Week events in a public space.

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A German court confirms that advocating for BDS and Palestinian rights constitutes freedom of expression and assembly, rights that are protected by the German constitution and are essential for democracy. The court ruled that the German city of Oldenburg unlawfully violated these fundamental rights when it revoked a permit for an event space, forcing a Palestinian solidarity group to cancel its public lecture on Palestinian rights. The court's ruling is "an important step toward a more informed and democratic public discussion in Germany when Israel and the Palestinian people are concerned."


"We appeal to progressives and social movements everywhere to pressure their governments to impose strict military embargoes on all states that are perpetrating crimes against humanity and war crimes, including Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Myanmar."


In a response to the campaign, Adidas claims it "acts in a politically neutral way.” Sponsoring the Israel Football Association, which hosts clubs based in illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land, is anything but “politically neutral.”

PACBI Statement

Festival cancels Young Fathers’ gig after award-winning band insists on supporting Palestinian rights and BDS

PACBI Statement

Pop-Kultur festival's arrogant dismissal of the appeals of Palestinians and progressive artists to drop Israel's sponsorship betrays apathy, and worse, to Palestinian human rights

PACBI Statement

El arrogante rechazo del festival Pop-Kultur a los llamamientos de palestinos y artistas progresistas para que abandonen el patrocinio de Israel traiciona la apatía y, lo que es peor, los derechos humanos de los palestinos.


Palestinians thank the UK artists for their principled stand and urge all participating artists to withdraw from the festival until it ends all forms of collaboration with Israel’s regime of oppression.


The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel calls for the boycott of Pop-Kultur Berlin, until it drops Israel’s sponsorship.


Short-list of the top 30 BDS moments of 2017, reflecting massive, collective work by supporters around the world. The BDS movement for Palestinian rights grew among trade unions, social movements and mainstream churches, in universities, among star athletes and prominent cultural figures, in parliaments and at the United Nations. It has compelled major multinationals to end their respective complicity in Israel’s egregious violations of Palestinian human rights, and grows stronger every day.