Results for: Remi Kanazi


Artistas de renombre de Latinoamérica como Doctor Krápula, Patricia Ariza, Álvaro Rodríguez, Lina Meruane y Jesús Abad Colorado se han comprometido a no actuar ni exponer en Israel, en solidaridad con los derechos del pueblo palestino.


Well-known Latin American artists including Doctor Krápula, Patricia Ariza, Álvaro Rodríguez, Lina Meruane, and Jesús Abad Colorado have pledged not to perform or exhibit in Israel, in support of Palestinian rights

In the News

At the most recent Al-Awda conference in Garden Grove, California, poet Remi Kanazi, professor Sunaina Maira (UC Davis), and The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah laid out the current strategies of the current global boycott, divestme

July 19, 2011