Results for: Oslo


The BDS movement calls on all speakers and participants to boycott this conference

BNC Statement

Verviers joins Liége (Belgium), Oslo (Norway), Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) and Belém (Brazil) in ending complicity in Israel’s grave human rights violations.

BNC Statement

The Belgian of Liège votes to end all ties with Israel citing its regime of “apartheid, colonization and  military occupation” against Palestinians

BNC Statement

Norway's capital, Oslo, announced that it will not trade in goods and services produced in areas that are illegally occupied in violation of international law.


As the Oslo Accords turn 25, we see that the “peace process” has served as cover for Israel to steal more Palestinian land, expel more Palestinians from their homes and commit war crimes against Palestinians without accountability. It's more important than ever to redouble our efforts to isolate Israeli apartheid and create a future where we are all free.

In the News

Since August, student activists from the Palestine Committee at the University of Oslo have been campaigning against the University’s leadership to renounce the coming renewal of the contracts it has with security company G4S.


In an article today for the LA Times, Palestinian author and activist Ali Abunimah argues that the BDS movement is pressuring Israel to Palestinian rights:

Absent any real action by the United States or other governments to hold Israel accountable, it is up to civil society to step in.

December 21, 2010