Results for: United Nations General Assembly

Action Alert

Take action now by emailing UN officials and demanding that the UN investigates Israeli apartheid and imposes an immediate #MilitaryEmbargo.

Action Alert

¡Actúe ahora exigiendo que la AGNU llame a #ONUinvestigueElApartheid!

Action Alert

We need your support to ensure the UNGA responds to the Palestinian demand for freedom, justice and equality!

In the News

The UN played a crucial role in defeating South African apartheid – it is time to investigate Israel’s unequal regime, by Hanan Ashrawi and Lakhdar Brahimi.


A letter signed by 452 civil society groups worldwide launched a global campaign calling on the UN to assume its responsibility for investigating and eradicating Israeli apartheid, as it did with apartheid in Southern Africa

Action Alert

Join hundreds of civil society organizations in demanding that the UN General Assembly and member states investigate Israeli apartheid

In the News

452 trade unions, movements, political parties and organizations from tens of countries call on the United Nations General Assembly to investigate Israeli apartheid and impose sanctions