نتائج البحث على: AIC

في الأخبار

Occupied Palestine is part of every free heartbeat in this world and her cause continues to inspire solidarity across the globe.  The World Social Forum Free Palestine is an expression of the human instinct to unite for justice and fr

January 19, 2012
في الأخبار

An invitation to an information meeting about “pro-Israel” student delegations was sent by the secretariat of Tel Aviv University’s Department of Political Communications to all of its graduates on Monday (16 May).


The invitation, sent from an official Tel Aviv University email account, invites recipients who may be “inter

May 17, 2011
في الأخبار

Five of Norway’s largest PR firms have said ‘no’ to offers to improve Israel’s global public relations campaign, reported the Norwegian newspaper Dagens Naæringsliv.Israel is attempting to widen its global public relations campaign by hiring foreign PR firm to improve its reputation abroad.