Gaza: From Rubble to Resistance!
Students resisting Israel's genocide in Gaza launch IAW 2025 from the the rubble of their university.

URGENT ACTION ALERT: Over 400 Palestinians murdered overnight as Israel and the US intensify their genocide in Gaza.
Mass Mobilizations and Pressure Campaigns. Organize now!

This Ramadan, let’s escalate the boycott of companies implicated in Israel’s crimes against Palestinians
As Ramadan begins, Israel continues to carry out large scale military aggression in the illegally occupied West Bank, at least 40,000 Palestinians so far have been ethnically cleansed from their land and homes. In Gaza, despite a shaky ceasefire agreement that Israel’s far-right government was finally forced to accept

PACBI's Position on No Other Land
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has from the start reached the conclusion that this film indeed violates the BDS movement’s anti-normalization guidelines in several ways. The BDS movement has always fought against normalization as a powerful weapon employed by oppressors to whitewash their crimes, to colonize the minds of the oppressed, and to undermine global solidarity with the struggle to end oppression.

Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) 2025: People Power Makes Apartheid History
IAW will launch on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21st and will include Palestinian Land Day on March 30th going into April 2025. This year’s theme will be “People Power Makes Apartheid History”

Belgiums National Railway Company announced CAF as the leading contender for a 3 billion contract
As part of a €3 billion tender for the public contract to replace more than 600 trainsets, the National Railway Company of Belgium (NMBS/SNCB) announced a preference for the Basque company CAF, a BDS movement priority target.

Top experts of the Law of the Sea confirm: Coastal and flag states have an obligation to stop complicity in illegal maritime transfers for Israel
Coastal and flag states have an obligation to stop complicity in illegal maritime transfers for Israel

Stop illegal maritime transfers that enable Israel’s genocide, illegal occupation and apartheid
While air transport and navy vessels are also used, a significant amount of military supplies for Israel’s genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, are shipped via sea on commercial merchant vessels.

Ethical Investment Policy
By adopting this EIP, the entity affirms that it does not profit from or provide capital to corporations that do not conform to international standards of socially, ethically, and legally responsible business operations or from activities materially inconsistent with its values, including its ethical investment principles.

Belgiums National Railway Company announced CAF as the leading contender for a 3 billion contract
As part of a €3 billion tender for the public contract to replace more than 600 trainsets, the National Railway Company of Belgium (NMBS/SNCB) announced a preference for the Basque company CAF, a BDS movement priority target.

Your city can join the BDS movement
Pass a human rights investment and procurement policy, stipulating that the city will not invest in or contract with companies complicit in grave human rights violations.

The day after ceasefire: Escalate pressure to cease the genocide and help us dismantle apartheid
A ceasefire, however, is only the most important first step to end the genocide against the 2.3 million Palestinians in the illegally occupied and besieged Gaza Strip. Without massive pressure, it may constitute a continuation of a less visible form of genocide that Israel and the US hope will provoke less regional and global outrage, boycotts and sanctions.

PACBI's Position on No Other Land
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has from the start reached the conclusion that this film indeed violates the BDS movement’s anti-normalization guidelines in several ways. The BDS movement has always fought against normalization as a powerful weapon employed by oppressors to whitewash their crimes, to colonize the minds of the oppressed, and to undermine global solidarity with the struggle to end oppression.

Palestinians Call For WEF and Global Shapers To Exclude Genocidal Israel From Events or Face Boycott
Should WEF and Global Shapers fail to exclude Israel, we call for boycotting all their events and activities in which Israel’s delegates participate.

Erreà Is Lying About Its Complicity in Israel’s Gaza Genocide and Apartheid Regime
On January 1, 2025, Italian sportswear company Erreà will enter into a sponsorship contract with the Israel Football Association (IFA) as Israel escalates the unspeakable horrors of its genocide in Gaza. Erreà will take over from the German multinational PUMA. In December 2023, PUMAleaked news that it would not be renewing its contract with the IFA following a 5-year global boycott campaign over the IFA’s complicity in Israel’s decades-long apartheid regime and military occupation, and more recently, its Gaza genocide.
Israel’s debt Skyrocketed to $340 billion in the 2nd half of 2024, up 20% from the end of 2022, due to its ongoing #GazaGenocide
Initial investments in Israeli startups dropped by 90% in Q1 of 2023, as compared with the same period in 2022.
have changed Israel’s global trade landscape," said Avi Balashnikov, Chairman of the Israel Export Institute.
Credit rating
Israel’s credit rating near junk, says Moody’s



Our hope is decolonized!
What BDS means to Palestinians

Reebok sponsors the Israel Football Association (IFA), which includes in its official league teams in illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land. The IFA advocates, together with the Israeli government, to maintain these teams.

No Tech for Oppression, Apartheid or Genocide
After weapons manufacturers, technology is arguably the second most complicit sector in Israel’s ongoing genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in the illegally occupied and besieged Gaza Strip and its underlying, decades-old settler-colonial apartheid regime against the entire Indigenous Palestinian people. This makes tech targets a priority for the BDS movement.

The “S” in BDS stands for sanctions, and it intentionally comes after B and D, as it requires building a critical mass of people power to make policymakers fulfill their obligations under international law and impose accountability measures to end Israel’s grave violations of Palestinian rights and international law.

The economic boycott of Israel aims to put pressure on Israel to comply with international law and to persuade private companies to end their participation in Israel’s crimes. The Israeli economy is particularly dependent on international trade and investment, making it especially susceptible to international economic boycotts. Many global companies, such as G4S and HP, profit from helping Israel maintain its system of apartheid and settler colonialism. Campaigns against and divestment from international companies increase the pressure on them to end their complicity with Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.

Israel overtly uses culture as a form of propaganda to whitewash or justify its regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid over the Palestinian people. Just as South African anti-apartheid activists had called on international artists, writers and cultural institutions to culturally boycott South Africa, PACBI urges international cultural workers and cultural organizations, including unions and associations, to boycott and/or work towards the cancellation of events, activities, agreements, or projects involving Israel, its lobby groups or its cultural institutions.

Palestinian workers often bear the brunt of Israel’s efforts to undermine the Palestinian economy and its regime of settler colonialism and apartheid. Palestinian trade unions have always played a key role in the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice, and equality.

Mask off Maersk
Maersk does not just support the US-enabled Israeli genocide through outbound shipping of military cargo from the U.S. to Israel. Maersk ships also carry military cargo to arms manufacturers in the US in order for these weapons companies to assemble the weapons that murder our people

Avec Attac et l’Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS), nous avons décidé de cibler la banque française BNP Paribas de par sa complicité envers le régime d’apartheid et de colonisation israélien qui occupe illégalement les territoires palestiniens de Cisjordanie et de Jérusalem Est et qui perpétue un génocide à Gaza, selon un arrêté de la Cour Internationale de Justice (CIJ). La construction et l’expansion des colonies israéliennes constituent une violation majeure du droit international. La colonisation israélienne en Cisjordanie, élément central du régime d’apartheid israélien, est un crime de guerre selon l’ONU et est à l’origine de nombreuses violations des droits humains, dont la mort de plus de 660 Palestinien·nes depuis 1 an. Quatre banques françaises, BNP Paribas, le groupe Banque Populaire – Caisse d’Épargne, la Société Générale et le Crédit Agricole, figurent parmi les dix institutions financières européennes qui ont investi le plus dans des entreprises impliquées dans les colonies illégales et dans l’armement d’Israël.

Booking.com: Stop Profiting from War Crimes
Booking.com directly supports and benefits from Israel’s illegal occupation of the illegally occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, by offering services such as vacation homes and hotels in Israeli illegal settlements built on stolen Palestinian land.
How to
Get involved
BOYCOTT| Economic/consumer, cultural, academic, anti-pinkwashing, etc.
SANCTIONS| Targeting influential political parties, parliaments, local/state/national governments, etc..
DIVESTMENT| Divest from (where applicable) as many of the most complicit companies.
Join a campaign in your area, mobilize and organize with groups around you.